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  What ever you choose to do. always do your best. Spend time thinking and then make it remarkable.”

    Hi  My name is Jeannot Couturier. 

On December 27 2021.  My life as I knew it then changed for what I thought was for the worst.  What happenned to me was tragic, horrific and life changing. Allow me to nake a very long story short.  I am diabetic and on christmas eve of 2021, I broke my left foot while puttimg on a shoe...No joke.  I thought I had only sprainged it as I could walk on it without much pain.  Things got worst, infection set in rapidly and I was hospitalized three days later with high blood sugars, high ketone's and kidney failure and after about a mouth in CCU I had a heart attack and died. Died for about three minutes, so they said.  When I woke up,six weeks later in ICU on a ventilator and a triple bi-pass, my wife told me what had happened.  My wolrld as I Knew it had changed, forever, so I thought.

During the recovery period from my heart attack and finally getting off the ventilator, about a week later. I started developing further complications, which lead to further infection and narcosis amputation of my right foot just below the knee, another infection in my chest cavity that resulted in another surgical procedure to clear the infection and finally to close the wound that had developed in the insition from the tripple by-pass. Nine mounth into recovrey from all that. I had to get my left foot amputated due to infection and necrosis.  I am finally home after eighteen mounths of hospitalization..  

Presently as I write this I have been back home for about 10 month's safe and sound with my wife, my two dogs and three cats. I started to developed this Website as a hobby to fill my time and not lose my kmowlege of coding This website was developed as a hobby to keep my coding skills sharp and make productive use of my time. The result is .I am both pleased, proud and excited to bring you what I have developed this far. I hope you will enjoy this site as much as I have been in desiging it..  I'm hoping to offer a different unique experience, Thank you for your interest in my products! I have put my heart and soul into developing it, and I'm thrilled to share it with you. I have tryed to incorporate more flexability in choice of products you want.  I am always open to new and exciting ideas that you may have,  Pleae share them with me. As a Canadian living in Hamilton, Ontario, you have the option to choose your preferred currency for purchasing items. Multiple secure payment methods are also available, and I do not store credit card information unless authorized, by you for faster checkout. 

 My family and I wish to thank you for your ongoing support and hope your shopping experience with us is satisfactory.


I wish to thank my wife for all very extensive support in all this tribulation. You are my guiding light, "My love."

I debicate the site to my four chidren and my four grandchidren.  you are my inspiration. "I love you all."
